Here are some very useful resources for residents of Greenbrae to educate themselves and get involved with neighborhood efforts to prevent wildfires, and respond to natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. Please email [email protected] for any questions or comments.
***This PDF *** was emailed out to residents of Almenar Drive in December 2020, but is relevant to the entire Greenbrae community.
Fire Safety & Defensible Space
FireSafe Marin is a network of many organizations and individuals who work together to reach the common goal of reducing wildland fire hazards and improving fire safety in Marin. Vegetation management to reduce hazardous fuels, water systems for fire suppression, road improvements for emergency access, and public education continue to be primary endeavors for FIRESafe MARIN. New members are always welcome. FireSafe's YouTube Channel is here.
- Fire Smart Landscaping (May 6, 2020)
- Wildfire Defensible Space: Zone Zero (May 28, 2020)
- Supporting Biodiversity and Pollinators in a Fire-Smart Garden (May 28, 2020)
- Preparing for 2020 Fire Season
- Timely Topics Q&A - Preparing for 2020 Fire Season
Central Marin Neighborhood Response Groups (NRGs)
The NRG Mission: Central Marin is at very high risk from natural disasters like wildfires, earthquakes and floods. In recognition of which the first NRG came into being in 2011 under the auspices of the Town of Corte Madera and an umbrella organization known as Central Marin NRG was formed to expand the NRG model throughout Central Marin. The NRG program is a grassroots volunteer-driven initiative designed to assist the residents of Central Marin prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters by encouraging a neighbors-helping-neighbors approach and by providing resources, guidance and training and conducting periodic disaster drills. There are currently 41 NRGs throughout Central Marin covering roughly 6,000 households. The NRG success story is due to the hard work and passion of hundreds of volunteer organizers who serve as block captains and steering committee members and to the financial support of the Towns of Central Marin.
More County, City and Emergency Links
Preparing for Earthquakes
Preparing for PG&E Outages